Welcome to Parkland Hockey Academy

Jul. 17, 2023

PHA Schedule 

We would like to welcome your athlete to the Parkland Student Athlete Academy and Parkland Hockey Academy!

The on-ice and dryland sessions for the upcoming season will be posted on RAMP in the next few weeks.  Athletes will be placed in groupings (White/Green/Black).  Currently all athletes are registered in Parkland White.  PHA instructors will be doing an evaluation on the athletes to ensure they are grouped according to ability and age.  Within the last few days you should have received an invite from RAMP to join PHA.  Once you accept that invitation you will have access to the RAMP Team App to view your athletes schedule.  ALL communication will go through the website and the RAMP Team App.

Click here for more information on Parkland Student Athlete Academy.

Click here for more information on Parkland Hockey Academy.

We look forward to working with each of your student athletes!  Please don't hesitate to contact Jason parklandhockeygroup@gmail.com if you have any questions.



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